5.3 97 minBluray The Covenant (2006) Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Horror, Science Fiction, Thriller, USA Renny Harlin Trailer Tonton
6.1 154 minBluray Superman Returns (2006) Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Science Fiction, USA Bryan Singer Trailer Tonton
6.8 101 minBluray The Nativity Story (2006) Comedy, Drama, History, USA Catherine Hardwicke Trailer Tonton
7.1 98 minBluray Undisputed 2: Last Man Standing (2006) Action, Comedy, Crime, Thriller, USA Isaac Florentine Trailer Tonton
6.2 90 minBluray Love and Other Disasters (2006) Comedy, Romance, France, UK 2006-09-09Alek Keshishian Trailer Tonton